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January 05, 2005


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What has become of Fear Factor contestants who ate and licked contaminated things? How are they doing today?

Janice p

If you dont like what's on tv turn the channel
I think some people are sue happy.

online backgammon

an other great example of what the hell is wrong with the system.....some person too lazy to work figures he is owed something for not being smart enough to change the channel. in comes the paralegal, what a piece of work this guy is! not even a real lawyer....i got some advice for you friend, get a real job and stop trying to jack the system because you can't figure out how to earn a real living! it's stuff like this that makes people around the world laugh and shake their heads thinking man those americans!

Amber R

As the Supreme Being, I say this dunce should be fined $10,000 dollars, and of course, the lawsuit should be dismissed as frivolous.

Susan R

I also agree that it is absolutely disgusting what Fear Factor does.

John C

Thanks Nate for the compliment. It is always nice to have a fan.

It had been awhile since I read my position on this, and it was nice to be reminded of it. My opinion remains steadfast!

Good luck on the paper.


Nate S

Let me start off by saying your critique of his lawsuit was incredibly hilarious. I was actually writing a paper about Fear Factor for a college writing course when I stumpled across the lawsuit, and found it incredibly absurd. Perhaps, this man should sue his mother for dropping him on his head as an infant, or the doctor for not unwrapping the umbilical cord from around his neck in time to prevent his brain damage.


While I agree that the person is acting in a way that is stupid and pretty much pointless (as far as suing), I agree that it is absolutely disgusting what Fear Factor does.

I'm a proud owner of two adorable, loving pet rats. For me to hear of such a horrid 'stunt' like this being pulled off is downright unacceptable. Where do you draw the line? For you cat owners out there, would you like to see a frozen dead cat blended up and eaten? Same goes for rabbits, or any other domesticated lovable pets. It's a stretch, I know, but that's how it is for me and all the other rat owners out there.

Mike R.,
Not only are the actions of the plaintiff humorous and make people around the world shake their heads at us, it's the reality shows we have today - crap like this on TV.

I agree with some comments; I sure will never watch this show again.


I love the write up on the Fear Factor lawsuit. this guy has got to be nutts if he thinks he will win this lawsuit"oops did I say nutts I might get sued for my quarter and my underwear" you never know who might try to sue me for that. I think that he is just out to get his 15 mins. of fame but he actually made his self look like a complete dummy and he will be remembered as the dumb ass that didn't know how to change the channel.

Supreme Being

This law suit is presented by an impudent, insolent, ignorant individual whom is without a doubt, a dumb-ass. This is not an opinion, this is a factual statement based on his puerile comments stated in the lawsuit. As the Supreme Being, I say this dunce should be fined $10,000 dollars, and of course, the lawsuit should be dismissed as frivolous. The $10,000 dollars collected should then go to innocent children in need of healthcare. All in favor say AYE!


At what point in our county's history did it become hip to be litigious? It seems that we have all fallen into a well of hyper-sensativity where every infraction leads to a sense of entitlement. I want to scream at the top of my lungs "GET OVER IT". It's not "the land of the free and never to be offened..." I hate the stupid.


> Judge, whoever you are, throw this so far
> out of court that it can sustain its own
> orbit around the earth.

Good line!


Very good write-up about this subject.


its people like this guy that give me cause to throw up and run into doors.To sue just to make a point.Grow up!
Don't like the show,well than lets just sue,sue,sue


If you dont like whats on TV TURN THE CHANNEL

Jim C

This guy is likely a friend of Karl Rove enlisted to help with Bush Tort Reform.


Maybe its Zenith's fault - the universal remote stopped functioning? Or Duracell - the batteries lost their charge just in time to cause a remote control failure? Or Lazy Boy - the naugahide recliner was too comfy to get up and change the channel or didn't have a remote control pocket? Or MAYBE it's his parents fault for not dropping him on his head enough times to cause stupidity BEYOND ability to realize victimization. . .
I think I'll sue my parents for not causeing ENOUGH head injuries to allow ME to be a lifelong victim. . .
ANY judge that allows this to be heard in his courtroom is as guilty of fivolity as is the plantiff.

Jennifer L

Austin, take your lawsuit and shove it where the sun don't shine. I can't believe you have nothing better to do with your time than to file frivolous lawsuits such as the one you just filed. Kiss my behind you stupd sob.

Mike R

This Austin Aitken is a moron, and for anyone within this judicial system of ours to even entertain his lawsuit, they too should join the millions of other morons out there. I have watched very briefly Fear Factor, and am constantly amazed at what they require contestants to perform, or eat to win the ultimate prize. If I find it too disgusting, I simply change the channel.


an other great example of what the hell is wrong with the system.....some person too lazy to work figures he is owed something for not being smart enough to change the channel. in comes the paralegal, what a piece of work this guy is! not even a real lawyer....i got some advice for you friend, get a real job and stop trying to jack the system because you can't figure out how to earn a real living! it's stuff like this that makes people around the world laugh and shake their heads thinking man those americans!

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