Damn Right!
Somewhere I missed this story when it happened back in October... Of course I could have been doing something else at the time... like "getting married."
But here's the poop for those others of you who missed the story. Evidently an establishment in the Reno NV area was flying a Mexican flag OVER the US flag! Supposedly the shop owner was flying the flags in this manner as a form of solidarity in the wake of raids on 11 area McDonald's restaurant leading to the arrest of more than 50 undocumented workers.
The flag flying garnered the attention of the local media and a news crew was dispatched to "get to the bottom" of things (and probably provide an excellent soapbox for the shop owner's protest). Well what the News Crew captured that day was certainly unexpected... but in YHS view heart warming! Here's the video: [link]
That's Army Veteran Jim Brossard taking ACTION! That flag and what it represents deserves respect! And men like Brossard recognize this, they've fought for our honor and still do! There is NOTHING wrong with being an AMERICAN! We do not have to apologize and constant Kowtow to every slap in the face we receive. Yes the store owner has every right to mount a protest, but flying the American Flag in the United States in this fashion is Illegal!... for a reason!
"If I hadn't done that, then I'm afraid it wouldn't have gotten done," he said. "I was ready and fully willing to accept any consequences, legally or any other, that might have come in my direction."
And I'm with Jim in that I think if you are willing to treat Old Glory without respect, you've lost your privilege to have her!
And it looks like the members of the USS Intrepid Association feel the same way... Because in a small ceremony Jim Brossard was presented with another US Flag, one that has flown proudly over the USS Intrepid.
Posted: 11/21/2007
Veterans who served on the U.S.S. Intrepid aircraft carrier presented Jim Brossard with a certificate and flag for cutting down a U.S. flag that was flying beneath a Mexican flag at a Reno bar.
"To fly the American flag underneath the Mexican flag, it just defies everything," said Wayne Erven, West Coast representative of the U.S.S. Intrepid Association Inc. "Our flag goes on top. That's the honor we give our flag."
Erven of Pleasanton, Calif., gave Brossard the appreciation Tuesday at the James D. Hoff Peace Officer Memorial in Idlewild Park. (Photo Caption: Wayne Erven, center, prepares to give a flag that flew over the U.S.S. Intrepid in New York earlier this year to Jim Brossard, left. Looking on at right is Daryl Saldausky of Reno. Erven and Saldausky are members of the U.S.S. Intrepid Association Inc. Photo Credit: David B. Parker/RGJ)
"To go and pull that down, you've got more guts than brains maybe," Erven told Brossard.
And I find it also disturbing that...
Bob Fulkerson, state director for the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, said Brossard does not deserve to be rewarded for stealing property.
Uh... Try the word "Rescuing" or "Protecting the Honor of..." there Bob!
"I think what they're doing is rewarding criminal behavior, and they're rewarding violent behavior," Fulkerson said. "To me, that goes against our Constitution. That goes against the values of our country."
Uh... Yeah.... Well I guess I should consider the source...
Bravo Zulu Mr. Brossard!