The House Climate Change Bill (AKA Cap and Trade) just passed the House in a 219-212 vote. So who’s to blame for this monstrosity? Not the Democrats.
The Democrats did exactly what what is to be expected of them, lie cheat and steal to attain a ram it to the American Tax Payer bill. I wonder, if this is such a great bill, why would so much back room dealing be necessary to get the necessary votes to pass it? (details here at Politico).
So if this proceeds to pass the Senate (keep your fingers crossed for the more sane legislative body to knock this down) the people we will have to blame are not the Democrats,they are simply leveraging the power they have been granted by the American People to advance their warped agenda. The folks to blame in my mind are the 8 Republikans (in name only) who voted for this bill (which I’m sure not one of them read before voting on it!) These 8 Republicans should be banned from receiving a single dime of reelection funds from the National Organization, and in these districts I highly recommend a competent, thoughtful, conservative run against these traitors.
Man Up Steele!
The 8 Republicans that voted for the bill:
- Bono Mack (California 45th District)
- Castle (Delaware)
- Kirk (Illinois 10th District)
- Lance (New Jersey 7th District)
- LoBiondo (New Jersey 2nd District)
- McHugh (New York 23rd District)
- Reichert (Washington 8th District)
- Smith (New Jersey 4th District)
Remember that vote count folks… could it have been… maybe 211-220?
Probably not, I’m sure many of those 44 “save my ass” Democrats that voted against this bill (Some because it wasn’t Communist and Economically destructive enough!… paging Mr. Kucinich!) would have succumbed to Queen Nancy’s pressure to tow the party line.
I’m all for less pollution and less dependency on foreign sources of energy, but rail roading something like this bill through is not the way.
Nancy’s words encouraging passage of this bill? “Remember these 4 words, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! Let’s vote!”
. . . sigh.
Posted by: Steve | June 27, 2009 at 01:38 AM