This whole Trayvon Martin™ thing has me more than a little queasy lately.
If viewed from a higher Macrosocioracial point of view, a few observations are taken from this whole disgusting incident.
Never let a Racial Crisis go to waste! Or in this case… Damn, the economy is in the tank, our foreign policy is a fools errand, we need something to polarize Americans immediately!!! Something that shows how truly compassionate we in the media and government are in relation to Race Issues! Y’know, because those Republicans are racist, we all know it.
Hey, there's this case in Florida where this Neighborhood Watch Nazi shot an innocent black teen… simply walking in a neighborhood before he was to help elderly folks across the road!
What?… Whaddya mean the shooter identifies himself as Hispanic? Oh… Damn… Wait! His dad was white! That makes him WHITE! and a RACIST!
What?… Whaddya mean Zimmerman a registered Democrat?… Hmmm that’s a bit inconvenient… He’s still white right? Ok, he’s a token Democrat! Racist!
What?… Whaddya mean Zimmerman has physical wounds indicating he was assaulted, punched, and had his head being bounced on the ground?… Before he shot Trayvon™? Hmmm, well that’s because he assaulted Trayvon™ first by observing him and asking what he was up to in a neighborhood where he had not been seen before! Racist stereotyper!
What?… Whaddya mean witnesses account that Zimmerman was heading back to his SUV after being advised by the Police Dispatcher not to continue following the suspicious character when he was then assaulted by Trayvon™? … Hmmmm… damn… Zimmerman is still WHITE right? He’s a liar then!
This unfortunately seems to be the message being perpetuated by the Media and the Administration… “If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon™!” --- Really??? Would he also have the attitude and vocabulary Trayvon™ apparently possessed? [Link to Trayvon’s™ tweets under the handle “No Limit Nigga” (his words not mine…)] ---
Granted Zimmerman had no knowledge of these character traits of this particular youth, but honestly I don’t think George Zimmerman gave a rat’s ass about this kid’s past as he lay on his back, bleeding from his nose, having his head pounded on the pavement. He didn’t know the kid’s past, but was well aware of Trayvon’s™ “present” and in a decisive moment was about to determine the kid’s future.
Had the outcome been different and George Zimmerman been the one remaining on the ground in a pool of his own blood, what would the headline read? “Profiled Persecuted Warm Hearted African American Youth Kills Oppressor in Self Defense”?
Without having all the facts in yet, I may be leaping to conclusions… but why are my leaps (based on pretty substantial circumstantial evidence) any more heinous than the leaps being made by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, The New Black Panther Party, MSNBC and to a degree the sitting administration and water carriers in congress?
This whole incident seems nothing more that racial opportunists run amok! The more time passes the more it is beginning to look like the facts do not support the claims by the emotionalism excelling to the point of lunacy!
The point is, investigations are continuing and now that we have meandered so far down this dirty road, what is to be the outcome when Eric Holder and his Feds are left with no choice based on REAL evidence to declare that, no civil liberties were violated, no racial motivation was present, and it is indeed under the law, a case of self defense!
But then again, maybe that would be the best outcome… Only Nixon could go to China.
OMG HE'S black too!!
Posted by: KenofSoCal | April 26, 2012 at 09:39 AM
Still waiting on Mr. Holder on this too.
Posted by: KenofSoCal | April 23, 2012 at 01:24 PM
I guess anti-lynching laws only apply to black victims. Vigilante justice against a Hispanic doesn't count at the DoJ.
Posted by: KenofSoCal | April 11, 2012 at 03:11 PM
No surprises from Mr.Holder here:
Posted by: KenofSoCal | April 10, 2012 at 11:29 AM
Mr. Holder ...silence
Posted by: KenofSoCal | April 10, 2012 at 08:15 AM
Trayvon was well on his thug-dom with or without his hoodie. If Zimmerman truly was attacked, then the hooded one brought fists to a gun fight. Fail; game over.
No doubt AG Holder will not touch this one as a "hate crime"
Posted by: KenofSoCal | March 30, 2012 at 08:49 AM