Another day, another abhorrent act. This time a school shooting in South Florida at a fairly well-to-do high school. 17 lost their lives due to a highly disturbed former student.
As is our norm, our society’s knee jerk reaction this is the usual talking points of:
- Banning black mean looking guns
- Eliminating access to guns via closing loopholes
- Mental health
- Arming teachers
- Better security at Schools
- Making schools a gun free zone
- Parenting
- God
- Video Games
- Movies
- Bullying
- Participation Ribbons
- Should have seen the signs
- Have to find blame!
- Only America has this problem…
Ad nauseam…
I’m over it. The idiocy that ensues post knucklehead rampage is predictably asinine!
Can we prevent these acts from happening in the future? No… They are going to keep happening. There is evil in the world, there is no getting around it. You can’t legislate it out of existence, so quit turning to Congress, your local government, your schools etc… to solve it.
Be vigilant, take care of yourself, take care of others. That’s all we can do.